Bony Macaroni are making self-loathing cool again. At least, they hope so. Because, after previous failed attempts at life in general, these dudes want to give a fuck again. Their moderately heart-wrenching and semi-catchy debut-ep will hit the digital shelves early 2019. With potential bangers such as ‘Piece of Shit’ and ‘Doom’, probably nothing can stop these guys (we think).
‘Piece of Shit’ is about trying super hard to succeed and, like, not succeeding and blaming everybody else for it. Fast song, super emotional, mind-blowing riffs and hooks, utterly hilarious, good stuff.
“Yeah, yeah, heard of ‘em.” - Simeon Pranger, booking agent
“We need real quotes for the next single.” - Bony
“Noise.” - Our moms (this one is real though)
For fans of: Weezer, Frank Turner, Modern Baseball